Friday 24 April 2009

IV/80 Hussite

Woe.. Work's been taken it's toll lately, so here's a quick update. Here's our Hussite Army, it did do rather well in one of our earlier games. Lots of War Wagons, just don't go charging your Knights into them....

IV/80 Hussite 1419-1434 AD & 1464-1471 AD
1x3Kn or 4Bd(Gen), 1x2Lh, 5xWWg, 4x4Bd, 1xArt







Sunday 12 April 2009

PUN5 Carthage vs Gaul

General Mago visits Gaul with his band of merry men, unfortunately for the Carthaginians snow has fallen early. Makes for a nice setting to Round 5 of our Punic Campaign. Jack played the Gallic Army & went with Light Chariots. Yours truly the Carthaginians & both Jumbo options. To spice things up, we agreed that the Carthaginians were not allowed to field any Warband. (Jack insisted that all the Gallic Warbands would not fight for Carthage against Gaul!). Instead Carthage had 4 elements of Psiloi.

Terrain consisted of a River Valley, one side dominated by a hill, the other a large wood. Two small patches of rough ran side by side with the river.

The Carthaginian plan was to simply hammer the Gauls. The Gallic plan was to use the Chariots a fast attack wing, while holding the centre with the Gallic Warbands.

The Carthaginans & the Gallic Armies.

The plan of attacks

Jack's Chariots are off on the right hand side.

Carthaginian Psiloi sweep the left. I mumble to myself, why did I put that lone Spear out there.


But I'm brought back to my senses, as Jack's Gallic blitz takes out the Carthaginian Light Horse.

In response, I withdraw the Carthaginian General & turn the Spears.

Jack's move, in go the Gallic Warband's, charging straight into the Jumbo's.
Whilst the Gallic General cuts off one of the Elephant's escape route.

It could of been..... A great Victory, if the Dice had rolled for Jack.
However, one of the Jumbo's stomps the Warband. Whilst unluckily for Jack, the other recoils...

Same combat - different view.

My turn, back go those Spear's, don't want them 'stomped on' by a beserk Jumbo.
In go the Jumbo's and General Mago takes on the Chariots.

Ah, I like these odds....

General Mago takes on the Chariot.

Back goes the chariot......

.....SQUISH go the Gallic Warband. Victory to Carthage!!!!

Final view of the Battlefield.


Victory to Carthage, in the end the Jumbo's did the job. It would of been nice to see a Cathaginian Psiloi blitz on the left flank though. Next up, Rome vs Syracuse.

Friday 10 April 2009

BBDBA II/78(a) Late Imperial Roman (Western)

Here's the BBDBA version of out Late Western Romans. Lots of Blades & Auxilia, but now with lots of horsemen to deal with those nasty Barbarians.





Tuesday 7 April 2009

II/78 Late Imperial Roman (Western)

It's ages since we posted a DBA Army, so here we are. Late Western Imperial Romans, ready to defend the Empire from hordes of Barbarians.

II/78(a) Late Imperial Roman (Western)
1x3Cv(Gen), 1x3Cv, 2x2Lh, 2x4Bd, 3x3Ax, 2x2Ps, 1x4Kn or Art or 4Bd

The Romans arrayed for war.

Roman General, Cavalry & Knights

Roman Psiloi

Roman Auxilia

Heroic Roman Blades

Light Horse

Roman Artillery